This web application lets you calculate general population reference scores for the PROMIS Profile 29. The PROMIS Profile 29 is a generic measure of health-related quality of life and covers 7 domains, such as Physical Function, Anxiety, Depression, Fatigue, Sleep Disturbance, Pain Interference, and Ability to participate in social roles and activities. If you are interested in PROMIS, visit the PROMIS website.
Score percentiles of the general population in the UK, France and Germany can be adjusted to specific age groups, gender distributions, income and education. We believe that expected values from a regression model are better to interpret than stratified tables (e.g. age or gender specific quantiles). Details about the underlying data and the statistical models can be found here.
Reference values can be used with other PROMIS measures of those domains, e.g. other short forms or computer-adaptive tests - at least as long no more appropriate data is available. Although collected with the PROMIS Profile 29, we employed a technique called plausible value imputation to approximate the distribution of the underlying latent variable.
Interpretation is simple. The table below gives for each of the 7 domains the expected latent variable (theta) scores for each percentile. For example, for the UK 10% of the general population score lower than 40.1 on the Anxiety scale, 20% lower than 46.3, and 90% score lower than 68.0.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.
This work has been funded by the Centre Virchow Villerme.